For Spring break, I did climbing, Amsterdam, but it's just not enough.

So for the Adam-Opel Gang, we are doing something wild!

This time we arranged camping trip.


At first it could be a big group, but eventually it end up with only Dustin and me.

But it's still okay, nothing will turn us down!

For the tent, I borrowed from my friend from climbing, Ronja.

And then just go to Karlsruhe!

well we booked almost everything at the last moment, the tent place are almost all booked for it's Easter

Actually we also had some confusion by searching, google is helpful but cannot do everything for us.

So after arriving in Karlsruhe, we still need to go to the area of hiking, and Dustin wants to walk there, it's 50 KM just to be clear.

We went to the tourist center and ask, "How do we go to Pfalzewald? "

The lady looked at us in a funny way, and said, "Do you two young fellows know how big of a region you're talking about?"

Well it's the biggest forest protection area including Germany and France in Europe.

So after showing the camping site, we still need to take the regional train and go the a small town.

And here we noticed how this system of hiking goes. It's a long way including 13 camp sites, which people can walk from number 1 all the way to 13. but we are only going to stay two, 4 and 5.

Here we go!







We go cross the river, over the road, and under the bridge.







And start our road to the Pokemon Master
First one, goat



And after a break, let's head for the mountaintop!





At the mountaintop are some rocks, as this monkey learned some dangerous skills, now it's your time to shine!




And for my civilized friend, congratulations, you are a man








OK, now quit the jokes and stop fooling around! we are on a mission!

quiet, and let's go for it, one shot, one kill




And like this one, we climbed up it
And the road of a geographer




We also met some mountain bikers

now, let's look at the sediment rock, there recorded the story of this land

This place could be a lake before 



the erosion also took place



of course there will be a monkey around

That's quite the first day of hiking. And we reached the camping site.

Set up the tent

make dinner



and we met one guy with a dog here, we call him Mr. Egghead (Well actually he's Sascha or so,but we forgot)



the first night by the fire, nice and coldy(not cozy)
The slow motion really made the fire looks amazing

But what more amazing is, the marsh mellows we brought!
For this night, I found that I made a mistake, we should go to 5 first and then 4, but we are now at 4 already, so we'll go to 5 tomorrow.
And one other thing, from the camping site, only 30 mins walk, we arrived one gas station and can buy beer and cola, near the town we began, so what's the whole day walking for!!
Day 02
We cleared all up, and said goodbye to Mr. Egghead, and head north!
collect water
walk through one factory fence

And got more to explore!


More of the poser pictures, actually they are just few inches from the ground.

And this one is not monkey anymore, it looks like a gorilla, or black ape



back to the track, to drink or not to drink



And getting higher








More mountains



And we reached a high rock!









We can see the fear of the human instinct, the height.

After that, we keep moving on, and found a cave man.




We tried to exchange some shiny things with him, be he's just not accepting it.

And he seems to write down today






And now, more posers







Beware my wraith! I got the power!




and then we walked long for the camping site.

the last few km is onto one steep slope, and we don't want to follow the path, instead we cut through in the middle.

I released my animal instinct and rushed up to the top, Dustin needs to protect his beloved stick and is slower.
At the top, there was one kid saying," Hey mama, the is one coming out from the bushes and look there is another one, he's slower!"

Dustin swear to God he want to kill that kid at that time.

We were all exhausted at the top, but the view is a reward.







Great bros!



and then, dinner!










And now it's time to say good bye to the woods

the last day

Mr. Dustin, say goodbye to the stick helped you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.




Well, this relationship last longer than I thought!

Back to be the Pokemaster




And the last stop is the castle, Burg Trifels

we need to cross the deadly pond



Cut the poison Ivy



Fight the dragon



well, lack of budget, so please just imagine one.

View of the castle.







And then we are back to the city. Kaiserslautern







It's quite a fun camp, and we'll definitely do more!



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