This is the first overnight with the ESN in Izmir, and we had a blast.

One week ago was the boat trip, and this time is to the famous Pamukkale.

With sun and rain, we all began

Because I live kind of far, in the town Urla, so my bro Ada helped me crash in their house in Şirinyer.

With all the deu students, foreign and local, we had a chilled night.

and the next morning, it's time to hit the road!

In the bus is mainly the show time of our man, Adriano with endless power.

After a long ride, we stopped a lot of toilets, and finally, we had our lunch at 3







And then is the first stop, Salda salt lake
We were worried about the rain just happened, but even though it's cold, but the rainbow comes.



Jumping into the lake is actually not that cold, and the water is sweet.
Michael, Tobias,me
Poser pic


And behind the scene










with 5 hours of bus ride, we stopped here for 20 minutes.
We saw Pamukkale on the way to the hotel, first insight, paragliding.
and then, the hotel.
The hotel is really the spotlight of the trip, where I enjoyed the most.
We have two thermal pools, one swimming pool and a bunch of crazy people!







well, the same old routine, music, dancing, alcohol.
all the way till the next day.
at 2 we go for Pamukkale
with a tour guide, and walking around.
hmm, Chinese restaurant, White Dragon



our tour gide



Look at us waiting in line, the crowd



well they let us in after they found that we are wasting too much time



more Chinese everywhere



following the guide, a long line



holy light, holy crap



historical thing



this is a pool which costs extra, and very touristic, plus today is raining and getting freezing cold





look at the sky



well, I'm really used to it
And then the rain comes again. it got really cold, and we don't have much time to enjoy the view.
But still I need to be the poser.



always panorama







let's walk down our path



one good thing is that less tourists today!







and of course the monkey nature comes



After walking down, we all changed ours clothes immediately.
It's really a fun trip and I enjoyed it, though I had a cold after that and having constant fever during my first week of school. 
But it's worth it.


    erasmus pamukkale turkey

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