Till this week, I'm in Germany for six months, not too long, but a lot happened to my life This time, with the begin of the second intensive German course, all the Erasmus routine began again, I think it's time to review what I gone through in the past semester. -序章- 啟航 至本周為止,我已經在德國超過六個月啦,這半年說長不長,說短不短。 看著一切新的交換學生進來,繼續上寒暑假密集德文班,每天晚上的Party行程,就好像是時光倒流一樣。 也是到現在,我才有空回顧過去這半年、這學期。 附註:不負責任翻譯版,中英文基本上是不會逐字翻譯的,隨性隨寫

From May I received the enrollment of Frankfurt, and the reject of Stuttgart and TUM, I rejected to go to JEMES, joint European Master, which is one year in Barcelona and one in Hamburg.
After the crazy administration through the whole July and August, finally I arrived the airport with everything.

 Fly Emirates, 8 hr to Dubai

A pretty pleasant airplane meal

On this flight, there are two girls sitting next to me, one is going to Birmingham to study jewelry, and the other is going to London for working holidays. Everyone with their own unknown future, this is a one way ticket!


My transfer flight is four hours, just enough to get a meal voucher here. I chose an Arabic meal, of course! we are in Dubai!

 This picture, is the last one I took before boarding to Frankfurt, and this happen to be the IMG_9999
what a coincidence, the coming photos start from number 1, just like my new life will be.

又或者是非善惡的因果循環 ?

it's so cool to see all angles of the plane
I really don't like this desert city


the beauty is here, what I like a lot more

After the mountains, now Europe, now I know why they call it patch then describing landscape ecology.

you just have to be amazed how people reshape the Earth
more patch, and small town

the Main, we are arriving

Well, it's cool what I see in the first sight is this

Now, grab my luggage, we are in Frankfurt now!


here's the link to all the image on plane

    Fly emirates Frankfurt

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